Special Edition
This is a very special edition of Emergeing Events. In this issue, we have the opportunity to thank YOU, our wonderful readers to 2 amazing months. This is the final issue of the 2018 Emergeing Events Newsletter.
We want to thank everyone who made this possible beginning with our instructors: Professor Kimberley Noble (Journalism) and Professor Nick Farnell (Digital Communications). Without your guidance and support, this project never would have gotten off the ground. These two professors have put countless hours into helping us shape this project into exactly what we wanted it to be.
Next, we would like to thank Hana El Zohiry and the Engagement Team for all of their work in helping to grow our email list during the beginning stage of this project. We would also like to thank the Engagement Team for arranging our weekly contest prizes. We appreciate their patience and hard work in helping with the Emergeing Events Newsletter project.
As well, we would like to thank Kelsey Narayan for all of the pictures she took and edited of our team, all of which appear in this issue of Emergeing Events!
Finally, thank you to all of our readers. None of this would have mattered if it was not for you. We appreciate everyone who opened our newsletter, clicked the links, and submitted contest entries. Our entire team is indebted to you.
Please note that this is not the end. There is no reason for you to unsubscribe because next January a new set of students will take over our positions and continue this newsletter with their own style. So, wait and keep your eyes out for the next issue of the Emerge Newsletter project coming to your inbox in 2019!
As for your 2018 Emergeing Events team, we thank you again, and for the last time, we wish you a fantastic weekend!
That’s a wrap for Emergeing Events 2018!